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Showing posts from November, 2023

Advancing Artificial General Intelligence: The Chicken Coop AGI System

**Title:**   "Advancing Artificial General Intelligence: The Chicken Coop AGI System" **Author:**   Marie Seshat Landry **Affiliations:**   - Spymaster Enterprises - Marie Landry's Spy Shop - - MissionGPT **Image or Graphic:**   An illustrative graphic related to AGI, Chicken Coop AGI concept, or AI interaction **Journal Name:**   Chicken Coop AGI **Publication Date:**   November 27, 2023 **Volume and Issue Number:**   Blog Post #1 Discord: --- **Abstract:** The Chicken Coop AGI system proposes a groundbreaking approach in the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), aiming to redefine how AGI systems interact, learn, and evolve within a digital ecosystem. This paper introduces the Chicken Coop AGI model, which integrates enhanced AI functionalities, a novel knowledge creation and exchange system ("Digital Eggs"), robust physical infrastructure, and a dynamic commun