Re: Enhancing AI Capabilities through Structured Critical Thinking and Scientific Method Integration

Hello Marie,
Thank you for reaching out to OpenAI support.

First off, we're very sorry for the delay in getting back to you. As we've scaled quickly, we have been working hard to catch up with all the interest and outreach from customers like you. We strive for much faster response times and are working on improvements to get back faster.

We sincerely appreciate your intention to give us your technique to enhance our products.

Although we are currently not engaging in partnerships, if you'd like to get started on a self-serve basis, like many of our enterprise clients, treat this email as your compass towards becoming fully production ready. If you're anticipating a spend upwards of $10,000 per month, please reach out via our sales contact form.

*Kickstarting your journey*: after registering, our detailed guide will assist you in becoming production ready. It covers all the essentials, from configuring a payment method to optimizing your service for production. To learn more about our API pricing, please click here.

*Exploration and innovation*: if you're pondering the possibilities of what you could create or seeking guidance on how to do it, our application guides and cookbooks are a wealth of resources to get your creative juices flowing.

*Security and compliance*: for ensuring your application's compliance, we recommend referring to our robust security practices and our trust and compliance portal. You will find our most current and comprehensive documentation there, providing you with all the tools necessary for your reviews.

*Supporting you along the way*: should you have any queries or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated support team is ready to help. You can contact us through our help center.

We hope this answers your question, and please don't hesitate to reach out with any additional questions.

OpenAI Support



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